Free Remote Counseling for International Professionals in Japan and Companies Trying to Hire Highly Skilled International Staff
Glocal Community Center (GLCC)
GLCC is a General Incorporated Organization which consists of specialists supporting international professionals, business owners, business consultants, licensed social insurance consultants, and administrative scriveners qualified to prepare legal documents. We are listed under the Ministry of Justice as an organization qualified to support highly skilled professionals working in Japan.
Right after 3.11 (the Great East Japan Earthquake), GLCC started its activities to build ties between local communities and the world. The new coronavirus pandemic is taking a serious toll on people’s lives, health and economy, particularly for international workers in Japan. You may be worried about how to go about this situation in Japan. Under Japan’s state of emergency, some business owners are working hard to keep their employees. Some CEOs are looking for ways to maintain staff required to work in essential industries so the company can support the local community.
By optimizing GLCC’s power to connect people, we started to provide free remote counseling, to help unload your burden and assist in solving different issues you are facing. Please note that we shall ask for your consent before proceeding. In case any expense should incur in providing our service, we shall ask for your consent beforehand. We are also looking for more collaborators who wish to connect with us. Please get in touch with us if you are interested.
Free Counseling
1. Please contact us through e-mail or contact form on our website (URL at the bottom).
2. We ask you to register
a) The type of concern or worries you have now
b) Contact details (name/e-mail or phone number).
3. GLCC staff shall mail or phone you for an interview to provide counseling.
4. Language: Japanese, English and Mongolian
Knotting Ties
By using GLCC’s network, we would like to help unload your burden or help solve your problems.
Looking for Collaborators
During emergencies and crises, the most important asset is the power to connect with different people and communities. We are a small non-profit organization so we are very flexible to cooperate in different ways.
Please get in touch with us through:
Contact Form:
Contact Person: Mr. Okabe